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Writer's pictureDawn Neufeld

4 Months Post-Surgery

I was totally getting ready for my solo vay-cay and forgot to post this to the blog. But here it is.

4 months... it’s been 4 months since my thyroidectomy.

The update. I’m nowhere near the old me, although I feel like I’ve finally turned a corner. I was able to get back to working out this week, and even had the energy to make it to the gym. My insomnia is back though so I’m waking up pretty whipped. Life is still sort of day-to-day depending on how I feel. I go back to my endo in two weeks to check my thyroid levels - hopefully that will give me some clues about my continued symptoms.

I’ve lost A LOT of hair. My hair is STILL shedding and I’ve actually got some areas of patchiness, but I found a grey hair the other day... so it’s starting to grow back. My scar is there and I don’t think it’s getting much better. Might be time for an intervention. Slathering it with sunscreen and scar treatments in the meantime. And finally saw a laryngologist - I’m a couple weeks away from voice therapy which I’m excited about.

And would you look at that... I’m wearing my engagement ring. I haven’t been able to wear it regularly for the last year or so because of weight gain and swelling. I’ve been able to wear it for the past week now without worrying it’ll get stuck. So small steps.

Looking forward to some serious self-care this upcoming week... thank you all for your continued prayers. #thyroid

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